This cover memo accompanited the report by the 1992-93 ad hoc committee to review GE, which some documents refer to as the "Harding report."
Academic Senate
November 4, 1993
TO: E. Zimmerman, Chair, Executive Committee, L & S
E. Hu, Chair, Executive Committee, Engineering
R. Wood, Chair, Executive Committee, Creative Studies
Committee on General Education
A. Condodina, Chair, Committee on Undergraduate Courses
R. Sugar, Chair, CEPAP
J. Vanyo, Chair Rules and Jurisdiction
R. Flacks, Chair, Student Affairs Council
Geoff Green, President Associated Students
C. McKinney, Registrar
M. Young, Vice Chancellor Student Affairs
FROM: Tom Harding, Chair
Special Committee to Revise the General Education Program
Per Divisional Chair Iannaccone's request, I am forwarding a copy of the Report and Recommendations of the Special Committee to Revise the General Education Program for your review.
The Committee was created by a Faculty Legislature resolution of June 4, 1992, in which the charge was to "review and revise the General Education Program," taking into account both philosophical goals and practical aspects of implementation. Then Divisional Chair Mellichamp proposed that the Committee should be a small working group that would consult with Senate committees, the Colleges, the Registrar, and faculty and students. The subsequent Committee consisted of seven members: P. Bruice, Chemistry; H. Drake, History; A. Ettenberg, Psychology; E. Hay, English; R. Rinker, Engineering; M. Waltuck, AS Representative; and T. Harding, Anthropology, Chair (Bruice resigned in Fall '93 owing to the press of other work.) Consultation was particularly effective owing to a number of advisors to the committee, including S. Awramik, Divisional Vice-Chair, J. Douglass, Executive Director, Academic Senate; D. Kohl, Associate Dean of L & S; P. McNulty, Registrar's Office; and M. Zimmerman, Director of the Writing Program.
Building, in part, on the findings and recommendations of the Special Committee on General Education Issues chaired by J. Wiemann (1991-1992), the report presents a number of interconnected proposals for revision on which the Committee achieved unanimous agreement after more than a year of deliberations.
Revisions of the Divisional Regulations dealing with GE required to implement the Committee's proposals are in process, and are not included in the draft report. Given a realistic timetable for legislative changes of the scope proposed, the Committee wanted to solicit your views at the earliest possible moment.
cc: L. Iannaccone, Chair Santa Barbara Division
D. Crawford, Vice Chancellor
B. Uehling, Chancellor
L. Phillips, Acting Provost