Implementation Issues and Recommendations
for UCSB's General Education Program
summary of deliberations to date
based on a May 19, 2003 work group handout and other documents
by H. Marcuse, 10/29/03
Note: Some of these issues will not be part of the GE reform legislation. They
have been or are being referred to CUAPP, the Senate committee responsible for
GE, since they are simple policy guidelines that do not require legislation
(ruling of the Senate Committee on Rules, Jurisdictions and Elections, May/June
Course Criteria. In order to ensure the coherence and quality of
our GE program, and its transparency for students, the list of GE courses
should not be allowed to proliferate unduly. To this end we have formulated
some formal criteria that the evaluating committee (CUAPP) can apply
in addition to the usual content and method criteria when evaluating the
suitability of a given course for the GE curriculum. We have examined detailed
listings of the courses potentially affected by each of these changes, and
we are confident that the current list can be substantially reduced without
causing disruptively large shifts in enrollment patterns.
(Note: recommendations a-d were presented to the Faculty Legislature and
then approved by CUAPP in May 2003. They are being implemented beginning
in November 2003. Feedback from affected departments is being solicited
to mitigate unintended negative effects and possible modify policy. Departments
will receive spreadsheets with color-coded markings for courses affected
by each criterion.)
- Since General Education is intended for students who are not majors
(or not yet majors), all GE courses must be open to non-majors on the
first registration pass.
Implementation details: If courses
with this restriction currently on the GE list are determined to have
substantial enrollments of non-majors (preliminarily, at least 20%, or
more than 20 students, whichever is less), departments will be asked whether
they would like to remove the registration restriction in order to keep
the course on the GE list.
- Since General Education is intended for students without specialized
knowledge in a field, GE courses may not have course prerequisites, except
one other GE-approved course (intended for sequence courses). The restrictions
"not open to freshman," and "upper division standing" are not course prerequisites.
Implementation details: As in
1a), if a department can show that such courses are used by substantial
number of students to fulfill GE requirements, exceptions can be granted.
- In order to ensure that students have a reasonable chance of taking
courses published on the GE list during their time at UCSB, GE courses
should be taught at regular intervals, ideally once each year.
Implementation details: The intention
to teach a course at least every other year must be declared upon application
for GE approval. All courses on the list will be evaluated approximately
every four years. GE courses not taught at least 3 times during a rolling
5-year period will be flagged for examination. Departments will be asked
to report on the status of such courses. If a course is not scheduled
to be taught the following year, it will be hibernated or removed from
the GE-approved list.
- A recent syllabus for all GE courses will be made publicly available.
Implementation details: Syllabi
will usually either be posted on a departmental or special GE website.
The initial syllabus will be the one submitted for a course with the application
for GE approval. The syllabus will be updated at least at the fourth year
review. We request that staff time be funded to accomplish this task.
An electronic submission process for GE courses, like the one being implemented
for course approvals, would expedite this process.
- All courses on the GE list will be reviewed every 4 years, on a rolling
basis. Staff support will be needed to collect from the registrar and
departments a "profile" of each of its GE courses during the past 4 years,
including a recent syllabus or syllabi (for courses taught by multiple
instructors), enrollment and TA data, and a list of instructors, with
employment status and rank (GE courses should usually be taught by regular
- A final recommendation is a tool that the person or committee overseeing
GE can use to increase the GE orientation of the courses on the GE list.
The GE administration should maintain a profile of the GE offerings for
each department, and ensure that at least some of every department's GE
offerings also fulfill the writing or quantitative reasoning requirements.
This consideration stems from the GE task force's recommendation that,
whenever possible and appropriate, core courses should include discipline-appropriate
writing. In recognition of the difficulties this requirement would pose
in implementation generally, and for certain departments without experience
in requiring writing, and in consideration of the fact that writing may
not be didactically appropriate to all GE courses, the GE task force's
recommendation has been modified to become a management tool.
- Advanced placement. While examining the quality of courses that satisfy
GE requirements, we discussed the use of high school advanced placement (AP)
courses to fulfill GE requirements (see chart
in UCSB General Catalog). Given the age of the student populations of
those courses (which can be taken as early as the sophomore year in high school),
and the probable dearth of research experience of the high school AP instructors,
we affirm the Task Force's recommendation that practice of granting GE credit
for AP courses should be curtailed (5/6/02
report, p. 5). We recommend the following changes to policy:
- First, only those AP courses that are equivalent to a specific UCSB
course that is approved for a GE area may satisfy GE. (This policy would
not apply to GE core areas A and B.) In practice, this would only affect
four courses in area D (American History, Comparative Government and Politics,
Macroeconomics, Microeconomics), and one course each in areas C and E-2
(European History)(see the AP-GE
chart in UCSB Gen'l Catalog).
Moving in the opposite direction, certain other courses not currently
acceptable for GE might count towards the writing special requirement.
An example of this would be the International Baccalaureate certificate,
which includes a year-long research paper project. This would have the
benefit of supporting the inclusion of writing-intensive courses in high
- Second, a minimum score of 4 (not the present 3) would be necessary
for a course to satisfy a GE requirement. In order to avoid increasing
confusion and complexity, raising the minimum test score would have to
apply to the specific course equivalency as well. Thus for example, students
scoring 3 on the American Government and Politics AP exam would still
have to complete the UCSB equivalent PolSci 12 for the PolSci premajor.
Students scoring 3 on an AP exam would still earn unit credit towards
graduation. We note that differential credit is already granted in English
and foreign languages.
- We note further that UC Berkeley and UCLA now exclude all AP courses
from fulfilling their GE requirements. Based on feedback from UCSB departments
that have had positive experiences with AP students, we felt that such
a blanket policy would be inappropriate. It might create enrollment bottlenecks,
and it would limit the flexibility of talented students to progress rapidly
through our degree requirements. The divisional deans should be consulted
for comments on feedback about the ramifications of this policy.
Other Implementation Issues
As of October 2003 the GE work group has yet to discuss in detail the task force's recommendations regarding implementation. There are two main issues:
- Petition process. The GE committee's past
practice of allowing exceptions for individual students only if the course
in question was suitable to be placed on the GE list was one of the main causes
of proliferation of courses on the list. In light of the criteria laid out
in 1, above, a petition process with appropriate standards to ensure the quality
and manageability of the GE program will be necessary. Detailed pro and con
arguments are laid out in a separate discussion document from June 2003 (link).
- The position of a faculty director of GE who
would coordinate and monitor GE offerings. This was one of the central recommendations
of the June 12, 2001 task force report (link),
which was underscored in the Senate GE committee's June 6, 2001 evaluation
of a preliminary version of that report (link):
"We wish to emphasize particularly, however, that none of the recommendations
of the Taskforce should be adopted by the Senate unless the recommended administrative
office at Dean’s level with adequate staff support is made available by the
UCSB administration. In this committee’s view, an effective general education
program needs the planning, funding, coordination, and quality control that
only a line officer can provide who is specifically charged with this task and
with the authority to carry it out. If this condition is not met, the present
GE requirement, as imperfect as it is, should remain in force." (emphasis in
On April 18, 2002 the Senate GE committee proposed the following more detailed
implementation guidelines, some of which were incorporated into the GE task
force's May 6, 2002 second report (link),
and again published in the committee's Sept. 18, 2002 response to that report
- We propose that each department name a designated faculty GE liaison
as a standing service assignment delineated in its bylaws. All GE liaisons
would, when appointed, be briefed by the committee or person overseeing
the GE program. They would be responsible for advising students about the
criteria a GE course must meet, and for endorsing student petitions to be
reviewed by the faculty GE director.
- We find further that in order to maintain the quality of
a GE program, an administrative position (faculty director of GE) should
in whole or in part be designated to oversee the program. We suggest that
information about the duties of GE administrative coordinators on other
campuses be obtained for comparative purposes. At UCSB, this person would
compile data on the courses students use to fulfill GE requirements, and
inform departments of over- or undercapacity in their areas. This data could
come both from the registrar, and from the reasons students use on their
petitions for substitution to GE.
The tasks of this position would include at least these 4 aspects:
- Ensuring that the courses on the GE list continue to meet the criteria
under which they were approved.
- Working with departments on the development of new GE courses.
- Briefing departmental faculty and staff GE liaisons.
- Compiling data on capacity shortfalls or surpluses in various GE categories.
document based on April, May and Oct. 2003 drafts by Harold Marcuse, Oct. 29,
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