February 11, 1994

To: Members, Academic Senate
From: Committee on Elections
Re: Notice of Mail Ballot on Recent General Education Legislation

This is to notify you of a pending mail ballot related to a resolution passed at the recent January 27th meeting of the Faculty Legislature, Santa Barbara Division of the Academic Senate.

At the meeting, a resolution to revise the General Education requirements for students in the College of Letters and Science was proposed by the Special Committee to Review the General Education Program. During the course of deliberations, Professor Hal Drake offered an amendment to the proposed resolution. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 15 to 13. After rejecting the amendment, the Legislature passed the resolution to revise the General Education requirements by a vote of 19 to 11. The Legislature also voted to submit the resolution to a mail ballot of the full membership of the Santa Barbara Division.

On Tuesday, February 8, per the Bylaws and Regulations of the Academic Senate, a petition calling for a mail ballot on the defeated amendment was submitted to the Senate Office.

On the upcoming mail ballot, you will be asked to vote both on the resolution and the amendment to the resolution. Attached you will find the following relevant background materials:

Attachment "A": Pro and Con statements on the resolution. (link)

Attachment "B": The present wording of the GE requirements and the proposed revisions passed by the Legislature. (link)

Attachment "C": The report submitted to the Legislature by the Special Committee to Review the General Education Program. (link)

Attachment "D": A memo from the Executive Committee of the College of Letters and Science endorsing the proposed revisions. (link)

Attachment "E": Pro and Con statements on the amendment to the resolution. (link to F and E)

Attachment "F": The proposed amendment and additional material offered at the January 27th meeting.

Copies of the minutes of the January 27th meeting of the Faculty Legislature also are available from your Department Chair.

Ballots will be mailed to you in approximately one week. Ballots will be due in the Senate Office (Girvetz 1230) by 5 p.m., Friday March 4.

document scanned & OCR by H. Marcuse, 11/15/03
note: although I've read through this, OCR errors may be present.
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