Suggested agenda for 6th work group meeting, Feb. 28, 2003
draft by H. Marcuse
- Announcements:
Marcuse will explain & answer at HFA chairs' meeting, March 3, noon-1pm
issues: no. of courses, type of courses (AP, prereq., survey, content)
Get a set of blue GE booklets
Monday, March 10, noon-12:30/12:45: work group will meet with Soc. Sci chairs
- Ethnicity
- range of options
i. task force proposal: broaden
ii. leave as is
iii. leave as is and ADD second, broader course as add-on special requirement
-what would second course encompass? (international
comparison, sexuality, …)
-APCC language: interdisciplinarity, intell. &
cult. diversity, int'lization, info. tech.
iv. leave as is and modify non-Western special req. for 2nd
v. create a new core area for diversity-type courses
-discuss core vs. add-on
-reduce where? to have total number of courses
at how many?
vi. other?
- Models at other schools
- Do we need to get data?
sampling of transcripts vs. computer generated information
What questions? How will the data help us?
- Our next meetings
March 7 (w/o Denise and Claudine-at Riverside): Ethnicity and HFA follow-up;
March 10: meet with SocSci dean and chairs
April 11?: crafting a final proposal for the Legislature
- Open issues for divisional meetings:
New methodological descriptions of core areas in task force report
Departments offering courses in 2 divisions
Number of courses overall, and in each area (reasons for reducing or reallocating)
Type of courses in GE: AP, non-majors, LD/UD mix, writing, survey/focused
Implications for enrollments; incentives to participate in GE (depts. vs.
Implementation/management: resubmission, new form, web for quality control
prepared for web on 3/14/03 by H. Marcuse
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