School Data Websites
This website at the Orcutt district in Santa Maria has links to numerous websites with information about California schools.
Many of them offer similar information but with different formats and different details.
The list of links below is based on that page; I've added direct links to data on IV.
(current as of 10/04)

The sites with the most data:

    • For APIs: Data Quest: (Isla Vista, 1999-2003)
      This site helps you find facts about California districts and schools.
      Reports Available: API, Enrollment, Dropouts, English Learners, Expulsions, Graduates, High School (SAT/ACT/AP) Scores, Staffing, Special Education, Projected Teacher Hires, SAT-9 Test Scores, Select Your Own Data
      Levels of Searches: State, County, District, School, SELPA
    • For longitudinal information on test scores: STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting):
      Reports Available: Standardized Testing And Reporting Summaries
      Level of Searches: School, District, County, and Statewide Summary Results select district, school and test at top, then click "view report," or "download research data."
  • Just for the Kids: (Isla Vista School)
    Use the tabs to compare the proficiency percentages of any given school with schools in a comparison group (bar chart, data table, 02-03 graph).
    Breakdown by language and math for each grade 2-6, etc.
    Find a school: (IV)
    Just for the Kids - California (JFTK-CA) is an affiliate of the National Center for Educational Accountability (NCEA). Reports Available: Comparison between your school and other top California schools like yours (convenient table of links to graphic displays based on CDE AYP data).
  • SABE/2 STAR (site by CTB, a division of McGraw-Hill)
    California's Primary Language Assessment program for 2003.
    Reports Available: SABE/2 STAR mandated (less than 12 months), and non-mandated (12 months or more) test results reported for the appropriate subject areas and grade levels.
    This website also presents summary data at the state, county, school district, and school level based on all students tested, non-mandated, coding for gender, coding for "economically disadvantaged," and special education.
    Level of Searches: School, school district, and county reports
  • California High School Exit Exam: (Dos Pueblos)
    Reports Available: 2002-03 Exam Results are presented.
    The CAHSEE Homepage has more information about the test.
  • California English Language Development Test (CELDT) Results Reporting Site: (Isla Vista: actual scores, 02-03 comparison, %profciency)
    Overview of state results from the Data Quest site.
  • Educational Data Partnership:
    Offers fiscal, demographic, and performance data on California schools.
    Reports Available: API, STAR, Profiles
    Level of Searches: State, County, District, School
  • No Child Left Behind:
    This site serves as a clearinghouse for information on California's ongoing implementation of NCLB.
  • Demographic data from the California Department of Education:
    Demographic reports, CSIS and CBEDS information can be found here.
  • California Title I Schools: (IV data)
    This site provides an academic, demographic, and fiscal profile of all schools and districts receiving Title I funds in California.
    Searches under "profile": Region, County, School, School Type. Also information on Achievement Awards, Program Improvement, Title I Part A.
  • Categorical Funding:
    Allocations, entitlements, apportionments and grants can be found here. Click on the program name. SACS resource codes are given.
  • School Accountability Report Cards: (IV's 02-03 report card)
    Click on "SARC Template". Click on "Create a SARC Template (with data)". Enter user name "sarc", and password "template", then select your county, district, and school. Blank template files in both HTML and WORD format can be downloaded.
  • Schoolwise Press:
    This site helps parents learn more about schools. Topics Available: Get School Smart, Compare Schools, Ask an Expert, Talk School Talk, Featured News Stories, Subscribe to E-mail Newsletter.
  • (has popup ads)(IV API, Star, CAT)
    Find and compare K-12 schools and districts. A great feature is that you can type in an address and determine which school district students should be enrolled.
    Generates bar charts based on API, Star, CAT6.
  • Technology administrator's online portal:
    Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership offers a portal with links to information and resources about technology.
  • Education Watch Online:
    This user-friendly, searchable database features state and national data showing graphs of student achievement and opportunity patterns, kindergarten through college, by race, ethnicity and family income. Includes
    EdWatch State Reports:
    Map links to individual state reports and overview tables (all as pdf) on educational achievement and opportunity.

page compiled by H. Marcuse, Oct. 14, 2004, updated 4/14/05
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